2019 Leaders Conference

Classmates, et al,

Last week I attended the 2019 AOG Leaders Conference and the Class of 2023 Acceptance Parade at West Point.

The overarching theme of the conference was a celebration of 150 years since the AOG was founded in 1869 and anticipating many more years of serving both West Point and its graduates in the future.

Joe DeFrancisco ‘65 (Chairman, Board of Directors), Todd Browne ’85 (President & CEO) and Diedre Dixon ’84 (Conference Chair, Chair of the Alumni Support Committee and Chair of the 150th Anniversary Planning Committee) discussed the evolution of AOG and its unique relationship with West Point.

The Superintendent (LTG Darryl Williams ’83) and his leadership team, the new Commandant (COL Curtis Buzzard ‘92), the Dean (BG Cindy Jebb ‘82) and new Athletic Director (Mike Buddie) brought us up to date on the Corps of Cadets and their commitment to continue producing leaders of character for our Army. 

Distinguished Society Awards and Parents Club Awards were presented.  This was the first year that West Point Parents Clubs had participated in the conference (a good idea in my opinion – they bring a lot to the table and are a great resource for identifying future candidates and promoting the image of our alma mater).

An inspirational speech, “Thomas Jefferson and the United States Military Academy”, was presented by BG (Ret) John Brown, former Chief of Military History, US Army Center of Military History. His speech, as well as an excellent video and other resources can be accessed at


(This link only works if you are logged in to the AOG web site – www.westpointaog.org – using your Cullum number and password.  For more help, go to https://www.westpointaog.org/loginhelp)

Other topics presented by members of the AOG addressed:

The Present & Future of Fundraising – the Academy’s 2035 master plan and an overview on the future campaign  for West Point.

Events, Gift Shop and Programs – Event Enhanced Support packages, WPAOG Gift Shop memorabilia, the 50 Year Affiliation Program and the Class Ring Memorial Program.

An informal evening event at Herbert Hall gave us the opportunity to interact with the Academy staff, other class, society and parents club leaders and several cadets.

One of the mornings began with  a Cadet Panel – five cadets who discussed their “Margin of Excellence” experiences – opportunities that would never have been possible in our day.

Cadet MaryClare Cassidy ’20 (Major – Electrical Engineering), at her own initiative, requested and received Academic Individual Advanced Development funding to travel and intern at Los Alamos National Laboratory where she continued her research into quantum physics using their very expensive test equipment and facilities that will most likely never be available at West Point.

Cadet Li Hoa Tan ’20 (Major – Applied Psychology & International Relations) – an International cadet from Vietnam – was able to travel and interact with Ann Mills-Griffith, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National League of POW/MIA Families  in DC, Vietnam Veterans in California, the US Chamber of Commerce and the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency in Vietnam.

Cadet Grayson Seidel ’21 (Major – Life Science) conducted malaria research at the Australian Defense Force Malaria Institute in Brisbane, Australia.

Cadet Lauren Boos ’21 (Major – Portuguese and Engineering Psychology) spent a semester abroad in Brazil attending the Brazilian Army Engineering Institute.

Cadet Jason Agsalud `20 (Major - Operations Research) attended Marion Military Institute in Alabama as part of the West Point Preparatory Scholarship program.

I had the opportunity to meet with other “older” class leaders to discuss issues such as reunions, mini-reunions, communications and special needs.  My biggest takeaway was the need to improve communication between members of our class and the Association of Graduates.  Unfortunately, some older grads apparently see the AOG as little more than a fundraising organization and, because of that perception, choose not to maintain their contact information at AOG for fear of inviting solicitations.

The AOG database contains information on each graduate, ex-cadet, widow and other NOK.  For the past few years, using that database as a resource, Carol and I have been able to both donate to our class gift fund, while also memorializing each deceased classmate.  Because AOG automatically sends a personalized note to each widow or NOK when a donation is made in their loved one’s memory, we’ve been able to touch the lives of many classmates’ widows and NOK.  The note from AOG mentions that a donation was made but doesn’t mention the amount.  As a result, we’ve received dozens of touching notes thanking us for remembering their loved ones.  Of course, the only ones we heard from were those whose contact information was current in the AOG database.

I had several opportunities to interact with and observe these four members of the Class of 2020 who lead today’s Corps of Cadets.  They are (left to right) Joshua Phillips, Class President, from Chicago, IL; Kevin Shinnick, Brigade Command Sergeant Major, from Milford, MA; Daine Van DeWall, First Captain/Brigade Commander, from West Friendship, MD; and Michael Worth, the Deputy Brigade Commander, from Rochester, NY. Each was very outgoing, respectful, and articulate.  They’re, of course, the cream of the crop, but I was still most impressed with their maturity and their commitment.

As a tribute to a product of their leadership, I observed the new cadets (Class of 2023) march on to the parade field at Camp Buckner for their Cadet Basic Training Awards Ceremony and found that they appeared to be motivated, disciplined and, believe it or not, looked like real soldiers, much more so than those I’d seen in years past.

As an endnote, I’d like to encourage each of you set aside some time to peruse the public persona of our alma mater:





I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised and impressed

I look forward to seeing you at our 60th reunion.

Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions.


Bob Totten
Vice President, Class of 1960